Partner With Us
Tap into a new sector.
College students are a huge group who love going out! Join our platform to advertise directly to thousands of new customers. In Hartford alone, there are over 14,000 college students. CollegeBites provides direct access to this cliental to boost your sales.

Receive personalized service from us.
As a small business owner, you understand the importance of great service and a personal touch. We do to! We’ll work with you every step of the way to ensure you run effective discounts and advertising campaigns.
Stop competing with nationwide chains.
At CollegeBites, we believe in the importance of shopping local. Therefore, we only partner with small, local businesses. We want students to experience the culture of their town, not the same places they can visit anywhere.

Reach out today to set up a meeting with our team.
Our team will meet with you to discuss how we can help your business generate more sales and reach a wider cliental.
Become a Partner
Once we have met, we’ll work with you to devise the most effective discount structure based on your margins and previous sales.
Sell to Students
We are rapidly growing student adoption of our platform, so brace yourself for your sales to skyrocket!